Pastor Frank
20 years ago
Well, PlanetEarth, I feel sorry for you, that you do not understand sin.
I hope that our God of love will show you the truth, and help you to
become a "Child of The King." and let you know that Christians love you
too. This is not discrimination, it is just Bible fact, and as I said,
we do not hate or discriminate against anyone, we just hate the sin that
they do. You need to study your Bible and see that this is an
abomination before God. As the other responder wrote, If a man also lie
with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an
abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be]
upon them. Lev 20:13. This is God's words, not mine. I sure do not
want to see anyone die and go to hell, because we must all realize what a
glorious place that Heaven is and as a Christian, it is our place to
speak out to those whom we know are in danger of loosing their souls and
possibly not going to this place that God speaks of as, Heaven. I want
to go there, where there is no night, where Jesus is the light, where the
streets are paved with gold, the gates are of pearl, no sorrow, no pain,
and not even a childs imagination can know what is in store for us in
this glorious city. Why wouldn't we all want to know, that we know, that
we know, that we are going there and try and make sure that all that we
can speak to, will go there also? Just try and imagine this, and you can
see that True Christians, feel compelled to speak the truth, and try to
see that everyone gets there, not by persecuting anyone, but by telling
them what the Bible says. Thanks for your response, because you have as
much right to your opinion, as I do. I will just pray for you, that you
come to know the Lord, and you will then go out into the highways and
byways and try and tell others the truth, also. So, you see, We
Christians are not truly discriminative, hate infested, brain dead, scum
of the earth people. We are just part of "The Family of God." I asked
the Lord to bless you as I prayed for you today. To guide you and protect
you as you go along your way. His love is always with you, His promises
are true, and when we give Him all our cares you know He'll see us
So when the road you're traveling on seems difficult at best. Just
remember I'm here praying and God will do the rest.
God Bless You, Janice M. Voak
You are so brainwashed with this man-made god crap you don't even have aI hope that our God of love will show you the truth, and help you to
become a "Child of The King." and let you know that Christians love you
too. This is not discrimination, it is just Bible fact, and as I said,
we do not hate or discriminate against anyone, we just hate the sin that
they do. You need to study your Bible and see that this is an
abomination before God. As the other responder wrote, If a man also lie
with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an
abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be]
upon them. Lev 20:13. This is God's words, not mine. I sure do not
want to see anyone die and go to hell, because we must all realize what a
glorious place that Heaven is and as a Christian, it is our place to
speak out to those whom we know are in danger of loosing their souls and
possibly not going to this place that God speaks of as, Heaven. I want
to go there, where there is no night, where Jesus is the light, where the
streets are paved with gold, the gates are of pearl, no sorrow, no pain,
and not even a childs imagination can know what is in store for us in
this glorious city. Why wouldn't we all want to know, that we know, that
we know, that we are going there and try and make sure that all that we
can speak to, will go there also? Just try and imagine this, and you can
see that True Christians, feel compelled to speak the truth, and try to
see that everyone gets there, not by persecuting anyone, but by telling
them what the Bible says. Thanks for your response, because you have as
much right to your opinion, as I do. I will just pray for you, that you
come to know the Lord, and you will then go out into the highways and
byways and try and tell others the truth, also. So, you see, We
Christians are not truly discriminative, hate infested, brain dead, scum
of the earth people. We are just part of "The Family of God." I asked
the Lord to bless you as I prayed for you today. To guide you and protect
you as you go along your way. His love is always with you, His promises
are true, and when we give Him all our cares you know He'll see us
So when the road you're traveling on seems difficult at best. Just
remember I'm here praying and God will do the rest.
God Bless You, Janice M. Voak
I feel sorry for you.
What are you doing here but be an automatic contrarian andantiauthoritarian? If you come to our pristine Christian NGs to merely
intolerantly screech flames and hate, why not post to groups which were
created for that that sort of thing. I will post you over to a selection of
them. See if there are any you like.