Pastor Frank
2005-01-16 11:33:54 UTC
On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 20:07:39 +0800, "Pastor Frank"
theseThe really sick part is that the brainwashers are more mentally
fucked up than the innocent they corrupt.
LOL How come atheists never tell us what they are doing to helpfucked up than the innocent they corrupt.
orphans. Are they afraid we might accuse them of proselytizing atheism to
"young Muslim tsunami orphans"? Either that or do nothing but complain
"young Muslim tsunami orphans"? Either that or do nothing but complain
those that do help?
I mailed a check for twenty five dollars to the Red Cross. What Icould afford. I wish it were more but that's life.
The thing is, I felt sorry for the victims. I know what it's like
to lose someone you love. It hurts. It hurts so much you want to die.
But you christians own love and caring. Compassion, love and
morality is your turf because you declare it so. But you have a price
for your perfect morality. At ever turn you use your 'altruism' as a
tool for conversion and then you announce it for all to see. Like the
wonderful morality you are.
An atheist gives for no other reason than human caring. The only
'reward' is being part of life and the acceptance of being human.
If you were ever an atheist you would know this. Fact is, you're a
lying piece of shit and will always be one. If ever there was a person
I respect less, it's a lying scum promoting superstition standing on
the bodies of the dead. That's your RELIGION.
I'd love to see you explain it away. Waddle out the 'Sin' crap, the
'Fallen' crap or some stupid 'Passage' from your Idiot Book.
I nailed you, Frank. Slither away, change the subject or reverse
the burden. It's your style. Moron.
Warlord Steve
example of "human caring"? Lying piece of shit" indeed!!!!! You are full of
hate, caring for no one, and should be posting your hate to flame groups
instead of our pristine Christian NGs. I will post you over to them