Georgann still sins and continues posting silly excuses for it
(too old to reply)
2004-02-08 02:08:31 UTC
But you are not the recipient of God's grace. You have failed
to stop sinning and are therefore an agent of Satan.
And you are simply clueless.
No, I am simply reading the book that *you* claim is so perfect
and written by your god. If you actually read and comprehended
what that book says, you would find that you are continuing
to sin and that it is *not* ok. But like most xtians you opt
instead for blatant hypocrisy and turn a blind eye to your own
religion's doctrine. I find you and your "holier than thou"
arguments disgusting.
Stop comparing Christianity to the good deeds religions of the
I don't take orders from kooks.
2004-02-08 02:27:05 UTC
Ezekiel 4:12 & 15, dude.
2004-02-08 22:30:06 UTC
Atheists, on the other hand, do no such thing and hold
themselves up as the sole arbiters of what's right and wrong,
Atheists in other words take responsibility for their actions
instead of looking to an imaginary being for help.

But you are missing the entire point. What we are discussing is
georgann continuing to commit what her bible says is a sin. She
says this is quite ok with her god because she has been forgiven
even though her book does not support her claim. In other words
this is all about her hypcrisy.
