Why would a "Christian" person try to destroy Christian Ngs
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Pastor Frank
2005-05-17 01:17:21 UTC
Post Christ, and Him crucified and resurrected, or go elsewhere!!!!

<crossposts snipped>
Why would a Christian try to destroy several Christian NGs. I don't
think a Christian would, but if as follower of Satan she would. A
follower of Satan would know how to twist the word of God as her
master is the father of lies. She would use the Bible as much as
possible to make discord among Gods Children, also to keep people from
looking at Christianity in a good way, as her actions in her "pretend
Christian" would show Christ in a negative way.
Hi Matt.
I would remind you that it wasn't too long ago you were on the other side
this equation: making concerted efforts to shut down a group of believers
who had gathered on just one of these NG's. One of the best ways to guard
one's humility is to remember that the things we rage against are most
likely things we ourselves are or have been guilty of at one time.
When we go looking for reasons why people are wrong guess what? We'll
them! We'll find them in spades! Because people are not perfect; people
are not right. God is. That is why our focus is Him . . . and not on the
imperfections of people (actual or perceived)!
If our eyes are always on where we feel people have failed, then they are
longer on God. And how much of a Christian witness can we have when our
eyes are not where they belong?
The whole "This person is wrong . . . so I call you to pray for them" is
abuse of prayer. It's wielding a gift of relationship with God like a
weapon to aim at others you have chosen to take exception to. There was
time Matt when you came after me with both barrels. Yet I have chosen not
to take it personally. You can choose likewise in this and all other
should you wish it. One of the gifts God gives to us is the ability to
take these things personally . . . should we wish it. Remember that we
only take things personally, when our eyes are on ourselves. When our
is Christ then everything people might aim at us, hits Him instead (and
they will have to answer to Christ on that appointed day).
You have this choice too. If someone is causing you to appropriate
something as sacred as prayer to use as your personal weapon against
then it is probably good to simply block them so your witness for Christ
doesn't become a witness for something else.
Things are exceedingly busy here right now, so I'm not sure when I will be
able to reply to a reply. I offer these thoughts simply as food for
Yours in Christ,
Griz I offered peace to Vera her reply was to attack Diana. I will
never again ask for peace with her and will do now all that I can to
help Vera victims. You do not and never have as far as I have seen
tried to tell her to back off. WHY? Does it serve you in some way?
The Satanic "Fellowship/Growing Deeper Cult"
http://www.acc-growing-deeper.de has a mandate I do not understand
and I am a tolerant person as long as to do not harm or try to control
others. Christ would not do as Vera does and by your words and
actions you support her knowing Christ would not approve. Again I ask
Apply your standards evenly or they are a joke.
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Mark K. Bilbo
2005-05-17 12:33:53 UTC
In our last episode
Post by Pastor Frank
Post Christ, and Him crucified and resurrected, or go elsewhere!!!!
How about *you go elsewhere Plastic Fake?
Mark K. Bilbo - a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
Alt-atheism website at: http://www.alt-atheism.org
"Come to think of it, there are already a million
monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet
is NOTHING like Shakespeare!" -- Blair Houghton
2005-05-26 06:53:56 UTC
Pastor Frank

Why are you a devil worshipper?

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Post by Pastor Frank
Post Christ, and Him crucified and resurrected, or go elsewhere!!!!
<crossposts snipped>
Why would a Christian try to destroy several Christian NGs. I don't
think a Christian would, but if as follower of Satan she would. A
follower of Satan would know how to twist the word of God as her
master is the father of lies. She would use the Bible as much as
possible to make discord among Gods Children, also to keep people from
looking at Christianity in a good way, as her actions in her "pretend
Christian" would show Christ in a negative way.
Hi Matt.
I would remind you that it wasn't too long ago you were on the other side
this equation: making concerted efforts to shut down a group of believers
who had gathered on just one of these NG's. One of the best ways to guard
one's humility is to remember that the things we rage against are most
likely things we ourselves are or have been guilty of at one time.
When we go looking for reasons why people are wrong guess what? We'll
them! We'll find them in spades! Because people are not perfect; people
are not right. God is. That is why our focus is Him . . . and not on the
imperfections of people (actual or perceived)!
If our eyes are always on where we feel people have failed, then they are
longer on God. And how much of a Christian witness can we have when our
eyes are not where they belong?
The whole "This person is wrong . . . so I call you to pray for them" is
abuse of prayer. It's wielding a gift of relationship with God like a
weapon to aim at others you have chosen to take exception to. There was
time Matt when you came after me with both barrels. Yet I have chosen not
to take it personally. You can choose likewise in this and all other
should you wish it. One of the gifts God gives to us is the ability to
take these things personally . . . should we wish it. Remember that we
only take things personally, when our eyes are on ourselves. When our
is Christ then everything people might aim at us, hits Him instead (and
they will have to answer to Christ on that appointed day).
You have this choice too. If someone is causing you to appropriate
something as sacred as prayer to use as your personal weapon against
then it is probably good to simply block them so your witness for Christ
doesn't become a witness for something else.
Things are exceedingly busy here right now, so I'm not sure when I will be
able to reply to a reply. I offer these thoughts simply as food for
Yours in Christ,
Griz I offered peace to Vera her reply was to attack Diana. I will
never again ask for peace with her and will do now all that I can to
help Vera victims. You do not and never have as far as I have seen
tried to tell her to back off. WHY? Does it serve you in some way?
The Satanic "Fellowship/Growing Deeper Cult"
http://www.acc-growing-deeper.de has a mandate I do not understand
and I am a tolerant person as long as to do not harm or try to control
others. Christ would not do as Vera does and by your words and
actions you support her knowing Christ would not approve. Again I ask
Apply your standards evenly or they are a joke.
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