***@no.spam (), the griping cadger and bitchy maricon who likes
debased banana buffing with Burmese cats, and whose partner is a
whore-bitch with a soft cock squeezer, wrote in
Post by e***@no.spamtwittering welfare bum and audacious lisper who likes demeaning
turkey tossing with horses, and whose partner is a painted woman
with a tattered foof...
Obviously he pisses you off. Good going, Wally!
What? You are a delusion fuckhead. All my posts have that quote line.
Cooking tonight: Creepy hagfish stomach accentuated by burnt human
armpit hairs and mouse intestine garnish, dished up in a steaming double
boiler overflowing with tough chunks of string bean and bone in
foul-smelling ship's bilge, a side of lymphoma and a glass of smegma.