What religious leaders DON'T tell you, but scripture does.
(too old to reply)
Pastor Frank
2005-02-21 21:55:17 UTC
Please post atheist doctrine and hate to atheist an flame groups. I will
post you over to them
On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 09:06:04 +0800, "Pastor Frank"
Face it 'Pastor', Christianity always has had a sadistic aspect.
Wrong!!! Christians have, not Christianity,
Christianity creates what Christians are, not the other way around.
The teaching of Buddhism hasn't produced such violence prone bigots.
No John. Those who profess Christ, yet do the opposite from what
Christ taught are NOT Christians John,
By YOUR definition. But they are by THEIR definition.
That is why they are SATAN'S Minions,
In YOUR opinion!
for the word Satan means accuser,
That would make you a satan for accusing them!
liar etc. so naturally they would call themselves Christians, for they
lie. The don't have the option to tell the truth.
Do YOU have the option to tell the truth in caring love, John?
Do you? Why do you lie for Jesus instead?
I ask,
for to this day you have never yet expressed love nor care about anything
nor for anyone.
In defending my beliefs, which you attack with lies, am I not showing
that I care? In warning others about your disingenous ways, am I not
showing I care?
Every one of your posts is invariably a downer.
Just because the ones that respond to you are, is no justification to
make such a generality.
I bet you will say, that's not true, but you will also decline to give
any evidence to the contrary.
You've read every one of my posts in every newsgroup 'Pastor'?
No you haven't.
Those of Satan cannot, nor ever will, supply evidence,
I've supplied lots of evidence. You just ignore it and post your lies
SATAN'S MINIONS -people who say they are Christians but do and/or
justify those doing the opposite from what Christ taught.
'Pastor' Frank's bigotry: pontification on who is and who isn't a
"Satan's Minnion" according to HIS eisegesis.
## Man has the True Religion---several of them!
Mark Twain
Pastor Frank
2005-02-21 22:02:45 UTC
Please post atheist doctrine to atheist groups. Thanks. I will help you
again by posting you over to a selection of them.

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 09:28:15 +0800, "Pastor Frank"
Why, are you an RCC that you should post "Saint" Thomas Aquinas
reference, in preference to the NT of the Bible, especially the words
Christ? Show where Christ expresses those or similar sentiments.
It's Christianity I attack 'Pastor', not your personal, private
neo-marcionite heresy. Don't try and sell us the fable that only you
know what 'Real Christianity' is. "ALL Christians" you said. Did you
really mean just all neo-marcionites?
Without Biblical reference to back up your assertions,
Biblical references prove nothing.
That's another lie of Satan.
I don't believe in your Satan anymore than I believe in your God.
In fact they're rather difficult to tell apart.
For Biblical reference proves EVERYTHING in
the Christian envelope,
Not that we observe. As I said, if they did, Christianity wouldn't be
so sectarian.
If they did there wouldn't be so
many contentious Christian sects.
The "contentiousness" of Christian denominations is merely another
of atheist doctrine and only valid in atheist groups.
It's an observation 'Pastor'. Don't pretend it isn't there.
Here it is YOUR
fantasy alone and no one in our pristine Christian NGs shares that with
for we all believe in the truth of the Bible and use it to reference
averything we say and do,
And few of you agree on what it says.
except of course for Satan's minions who can only
be recognised by them doing, and justify doing, the opposite from what
Christ preached.
Translation folks: "Satan's minions" being those Christians whose
beliefs and behaviour our 'Pastor' doesn't approve of.
You can't demonstrate that Christ's words are inerrant, or that they are
Christs. Proof first. I don't use faith.
But we are here in our pristine Christian NGs precisely because of our
faith in Jesus Christ. That is why we are not in atheist, agnostic, or
Satanic NGs. Christ is all about belief and faith, and if you are not, and
don't want to be, then you are in the wrong NGs.
Well you posted my stuff there 'Pastor'.
Is that too logical for you, John?
Apparently it was too logical for YOU! I had a quiet thread going in
alt.religion.apologetics with thumper, when you horned in and sprayed
it all over alt.bible, alt.christian.religion,
alt.christnet.evangelical, alt.christnet.philosophy,
alt.christnet.theology, alt.religion.christian
So don't give me that crap about me crossposting!
SATAN'S MINIONS -people who say they are Christians but do and/or
justify those doing the opposite from what Christ taught.
What 'Pastor' Frank thinks Christ taught!
## GOD: What one man uses to persecute another.
2005-02-22 11:38:33 UTC
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 06:02:45 +0800, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor Frank
Please post atheist doctrine to atheist groups. Thanks. I will help you
again by posting you over to a selection of them.

Then the "pastor" quoted more crap and claimed that Christian
newsgroups are "pristine."

Usenet is probably older than your interaction with it and no
newsgroup is pristine.

You're a quasi-Christian whinebag. Were you to really believe in
pristine newsgroups, you wouldn't ignore that principle and avoid
posting to atheist groups.

By the way, there is not some atheist "doctrine." If you're too stupid
to understand that, it's obvious why you post your crap.

There's not even a single Christian "doctrine." There are thousands of
Christian doctrines -- not to mention the other tens of thousands of
deist/theist doctrines.

You're dumber than the dirt from which you claim to be created.

2005-02-22 14:12:00 UTC
[posted and mailed]
Post by Severian
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 06:02:45 +0800, "Pastor Frank"
Then the "pastor" quoted more crap and claimed that Christian
newsgroups are "pristine."
Yeah, I always get a giggle outta that one too... Anything with Frank in it
cannot, by definition, be considered "pristine", unless slimy, obsequious,
mealy mouthed liars are permitted to be the self appointed spokespersons of
said newsgroups...
Post by Severian
Denizen of Darkness #44 & AFJC Antipodean Attaché
Remove "s" to respond
Pastor Frank
2005-02-23 02:19:49 UTC
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 16:41:22 +0800, "Pastor Frank"
Face it 'Pastor', Christianity always has had a sadistic aspect.
No, "Saint" Aquinas has, not Christianity, meaning the legacy of Jesus
That legacy, history tells us, is intolerance, hatred and bloody
violence. What you claim Christ taught is irrelevant. It's what others
assumed he taught that has left the long bloody trail through the
That Christ is irrelevant" is atheist doctrine. Please post atheism to
atheist groups. I will post you over to them.
Arthur Mullard
2005-02-23 19:54:44 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 16:41:22 +0800, "Pastor Frank"
Face it 'Pastor', Christianity always has had a sadistic aspect.
No, "Saint" Aquinas has, not Christianity, meaning the legacy of Jesus
That legacy, history tells us, is intolerance, hatred and bloody
violence. What you claim Christ taught is irrelevant. It's what others
assumed he taught that has left the long bloody trail through the
That Christ is irrelevant" is atheist doctrine. Please post atheism to
atheist groups. I will post you over to them.

You need to get your ass to school. "Christ is irrelevant" is NOT
atheistic doctrine. It might be amessianic but not atheistic. GET SOME IN!