Athiest Buffoons Please Leave
(too old to reply)
Pastor Frank
2005-04-19 09:19:48 UTC
What is really sad is that all of you Atheistic Buffoons are controlled
Satan and you just do not realize it. Please leave this newsgroup and go
post in Atheistic newsgroups that were designed for your purpose. If you
would like to come to know the Lord then please stay here and listen to
Pastor Frank and other good folks and read your bible. There is still
for you if you will just be open-minded to Jesus.
It seems you are frightened by and can't handle the challenges to your
illogical beliefs. That's sad.
Non sequitur. No "fear" was expressed. You are again but chant atheist
mantras containing neither rhyme nor reason and should be posting to atheist
groups. I will post you over to some.
Mark K. Bilbo
2005-04-19 23:12:24 UTC
In our last episode
Post by Pastor Frank
What is really sad is that all of you Atheistic Buffoons are controlled
Satan and you just do not realize it. Please leave this newsgroup and
go post in Atheistic newsgroups that were designed for your purpose. If
you would like to come to know the Lord then please stay here and
listen to Pastor Frank and other good folks and read your bible. There
is still hope
for you if you will just be open-minded to Jesus. Bubba
It seems you are frightened by and can't handle the challenges to your
illogical beliefs. That's sad.
Non sequitur. No "fear" was expressed. You are again but chant atheist
mantras containing neither rhyme nor reason and should be posting to
atheist groups. I will post you over to some.
You mean you'll wildly cross post your trolling to multiple groups...
Mark K. Bilbo - a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
Group website at: http://www.alt-atheism.org
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful."
-- Seneca the Younger
Pastor Frank
2005-04-19 23:51:49 UTC
Post by Mark K. Bilbo
You mean you'll wildly cross post
your trolling to multiple groups...
The fake Pastor Frank does that a lot. He brings the entire German
speaking homosexual community into disrepute.
Pastor Frank (Bernhard Schornak)
Broomleigh Evangelische Kirche GmbH (Zurich)
Hardenbergstr. 14, D-Augsburg 86165, Germany

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Pastor Frank
2005-04-20 06:02:16 UTC
Posted 3/21/05
I keep seeing people quoting from the Bible as though it was proof or a
It's a fact as any philosophical, spiritual or political statement can
be. For the Bible is a book on social and moral philosophy. We Christians
know that; only atheists seem confused.
2005-04-21 07:50:48 UTC
On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 02:02:16 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor Frank
Posted 3/21/05
I keep seeing people quoting from the Bible as though it was proof or a
It's a fact as any philosophical, spiritual or political statement can
No facts or proveable/observable/recreateable, the 3 things above are
Post by Pastor Frank
For the Bible is a book on social and moral philosophy.
Ther does seem to be an awful lot of killing and murder in your book
of social and moral philosophy, it's a good thing the people who
follow this aren't in charge
Post by Pastor Frank
We Christians know that
Not from any of the posts that I've read or discussions with any of
Post by Pastor Frank
only atheists seem confused.
Atheists are the only ones who seem to have figured it out that it is
all false.
Rosmary Duddle
2005-05-15 07:09:50 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Posted 3/21/05
I keep seeing people quoting from the Bible as though it was proof or a
It's a fact as any philosophical, spiritual or political statement can
be. For the Bible is a book on social and moral philosophy. We Christians
know that; only atheists seem confused.
I completely agree with your post Frank

Rosmary Duddle
2005-05-15 07:10:11 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Posted 3/21/05
I keep seeing people quoting from the Bible as though it was proof or a
It's a fact as any philosophical, spiritual or political statement can
be. For the Bible is a book on social and moral philosophy. We Christians
know that; only atheists seem confused.
I completely agree with your post Frank


Pastor Frank
2005-04-20 12:30:38 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
What is really sad is that all of you Atheistic Buffoons are controlled
Satan and you just do not realize it. Please leave this newsgroup and go
post in Atheistic newsgroups that were designed for your purpose. If you
would like to come to know the Lord then please stay here and listen to
Pastor Frank and other good folks and read your bible. There is still
for you if you will just be open-minded to Jesus.
It seems you are frightened by and can't handle the challenges to your
illogical beliefs. That's sad.
Non sequitur. No "fear" was expressed. You are again but chant
atheist mantras containing neither rhyme nor reason and should be posting
to atheist groups. I will post you over to some.
That's called flaming and should go to flame groups. We are besets here
by mental burn-outs who can't seem to find appropriate groups to post to.
Pastor Frank
2005-04-21 01:41:54 UTC
yea, let's all be here for the love of god the mass murderer, let's all
adore god the child killer.
let's all go to heaven so we can be with god the mass murderer for all
where oh where is this "loving, caring" god of yours at so I can BASH HIS
That's atheist doctrine lacking even the minimum of evidence. Our
Christian God incarnate saved the life of an adulteress about to be stoned
to death according to the laws of YHWH. He never advocated any inhumanity to
Please post atheist doctrine to atheist NGs. I will help you this time.
Pastor Frank
2005-04-21 12:24:43 UTC
"Pastor Frank" <> wrote in message...
We have no "mystic voodoo crap" here in our pristine Christian NGs.
"Mystic voodoo crap" is an atheist obsession, an idée fixe of trolls. We
Philosophy groups discussing ideals of perfection, and Him who
the ideal of unconditional of love to His death on the cross of Calvary.
Tell us who demonstrates the ideal of unconditional love to you? Your
Mom perhaps? Who else, and who to the death?
Frank, first of all when you call this your pristine newsgroup, it shows
all what a turkey you are.
"Turkey" indeed!!!! That's flaming and should go to flame groups, not to
our pristine Christian NGs. I will help you find some.
Pastor Frank
2005-04-21 14:59:48 UTC
Laa Laa Laa. I'm not listening...
That must be the first honest answer you have ever posted.
That's that penis-worshipper and impostor of Rev. Dick Foot from
Southwark, England, who posts in my name. My email address isn't misspelled,
nor would it end in cum.

Pastor Frank

Jesus in Mt:8:12: But the children of Satan's kingdom shall be cast into
outer darkness: There shall be wailing (of interminable complaints) and
gnashing of teeth (in furious anger and frustration).
Pastor Frank
2005-04-27 10:39:14 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Laa Laa Laa. I'm not listening...
That must be the first honest answer you have ever posted.
That's that penis-worshipper and impostor of Rev. Dick Foot from
Southwark, England, who posts in my name. My email address isn't misspelled,
nor would it end in cum.
Pastor Frank
Jesus in Mt:8:12: But the children of Satan's kingdom shall be cast into
outer darkness: There shall be wailing (of interminable complaints) and
gnashing of teeth (in furious anger and frustration).
Satan's kingdom! Wow that must have impressed and terrified the primitives
the time. Where is this mysterious Kingdom Frank, or is this more cow
Oh and in case you hadn't noticed, it is now 2005
Yes. How come then you haven't "noticed" yet, that heaven and hell are
all around you. Considering you only complain and never find anything, nor
anyone praiseworthy, you are living in hell.
Jesus removed the lock from your cage. All you need to ask Him is to
lead you out of the darkness of hell and into the light of the Kingdom of
2005-04-27 23:32:33 UTC
On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 06:39:14 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Pastor Frank
Laa Laa Laa. I'm not listening...
That must be the first honest answer you have ever posted.
That's that penis-worshipper and impostor of Rev. Dick Foot from
Southwark, England, who posts in my name. My email address isn't misspelled,
nor would it end in cum.
Pastor Frank
Jesus in Mt:8:12: But the children of Satan's kingdom shall be cast into
outer darkness: There shall be wailing (of interminable complaints) and
gnashing of teeth (in furious anger and frustration).
Satan's kingdom! Wow that must have impressed and terrified the primitives
the time. Where is this mysterious Kingdom Frank, or is this more cow
Oh and in case you hadn't noticed, it is now 2005
Yes. How come then you haven't "noticed" yet, that heaven and hell are
all around you.
Just a couple of historical facts on heaven and hell:
Heaven is Jerusalem, where the streets are paved in gold ( actually
All the buildings of jerusalem are made from jerusalem stone, which
glitters like gold in the sun-light)
The reason why Heaven is above is that Jerusalem is at the top of a
hill, therefore you must make ali ah (going up to)
Hell was the land fill outside the old city, people who banished from
the city had to exit by the gate that led through the land fill
The Flames of hell were becuase the land fill was kept burning to rid
it of carion and other disease carrying animals
Hell is also lower down than Jerusalme so you had to decend through
The reason for a poor person being better able to enter the gates of
heaven is that the Temple was in Jerusalem and the poor tended to
leave after the visited the Temple, while the walls of the city
limited the number of people who could live in the city due to limited
land area, purchase of a house to live in the city was difficult since
they did not often come up for sale, so the wealthy could not buy
property that was unavailable for sale and therefore could not stay.
I've been to both heaven and hell, hell now is a housing development.
I've lived in both places.
Post by Pastor Frank
Considering you only complain and never find anything, nor
anyone praiseworthy, you are living in hell.
Since he doesn't live in Jerusalem he can't be living in hell.
Post by Pastor Frank
Jesus removed the lock from your cage.
Where did this cage come from?
Post by Pastor Frank
All you need to ask Him is to lead you out of the darkness of hell
and into the light of the Kingdom of God.
Why would he ask a false and failed prophet/messiah for anything? The
only time that hell would be dark would be at night and the fires
still gave off light. It was also only light in the Kingdom of god
during the day at night it got darker than hell. If he's not jewish or
willing to learn hebrew why would he want to live some place where he
doesn't speak or read the language. He would also need to be fairly
rich (he might be rich I don't know) to buy/rent a house in the old
city of jerusalem, I could find a better use for my money and I do
read/speak hebrew, living in the old city of Jerusalem is not the best
place in the world to live if you like space as it is very crowded.
2005-04-28 01:41:45 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Pastor Frank
Laa Laa Laa. I'm not listening...
That must be the first honest answer you have ever posted.
That's that penis-worshipper and impostor of Rev. Dick Foot from
Southwark, England, who posts in my name. My email address isn't misspelled,
nor would it end in cum.
Pastor Frank
Jesus in Mt:8:12: But the children of Satan's kingdom shall be cast into
outer darkness: There shall be wailing (of interminable complaints) and
gnashing of teeth (in furious anger and frustration).
Satan's kingdom! Wow that must have impressed and terrified the primitives
the time. Where is this mysterious Kingdom Frank, or is this more cow
Oh and in case you hadn't noticed, it is now 2005
Yes. How come then you haven't "noticed" yet, that heaven and hell are
all around you. Considering you only complain and never find anything, nor
anyone praiseworthy, you are living in hell.
Jesus removed the lock from your cage. All you need to ask Him is to
lead you out of the darkness of hell and into the light of the Kingdom of
===>That is insanity, Sheepherder, fake "pastor" Frank!
What about coming out of the closet to admit you are a phony
"Christian", really a Jew-hating, OT-hating, YHWH-hating
neo-Marcionite? -- L
Pastor Frank
2005-04-28 03:13:52 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Yes. How come then you haven't "noticed" yet,
that heaven and hell are all around you.
Please ignore the fake Pastor Frank.
Pastor Frank (Bernhard Schornak)

Broomleigh Evangelische Kirche GmbH (Zurich)
Hardenbergstr. 14, D-Augsburg 86165, Germany

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2005-04-28 22:51:55 UTC
Post by Pastor Frank
Post by Pastor Frank
Yes. How come then you haven't "noticed" yet,
that heaven and hell are all around you.
Please ignore the fake Pastor Frank.
Pastor Frank (Bernhard Schornak)
Broomleigh Evangelische Kirche GmbH (Zurich)
Hardenbergstr. 14, D-Augsburg 86165, Germany
Well, now we can be REALLY confused. ;-) -- L.