Ten Reasons Why Justice is Essential to the Gospel
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Pastor Frank
2004-12-22 22:04:07 UTC
WRONG NGS AGAIN XENO!!!!!! I will post you over to where your hate is

4. God is a God of justice. In the Hebrew Bible, God is always acting in
history to set relationships right, defend the poor, the weak and the
oppressed. In fact, God is the very manifestation of justice and mercy.
In the Bible, God is depicted as endorsing ruthless plunder by those he
favors. God is the idealization of human arbitrary justice & mercy dressed
up & pretending to be absolute justice & mercy.
The social reversals that happen in his parables are amazing. A
kingdom-centered mission will always point at the socio-political
implications of conversion.
Jesus upholds slavery, class differentiations, & the subjugation of women
by men; so how can you come to this conclusion? (Jesus merely sugar coats
these relations & wants people to do good in the context of these fucked
up relations, not overthrow them.) Jesus & the Bible are the appeals to
authority that you make to try to promote that which is the very opposite
of what's actually in the Bible. The reason why you're doing that is that
if you came out & said you support certain things w/o such cosmic appeals,
you would run smack against those who do not want social justice & it
becomes a matter of your will against theirs. You can't avoid this real
power struggle by appealing to the divine because the divine doesn't
exist, & can be defined arbitrarily by whomsoever is inclined to do so.
The idea of the divine is what is really playing a role here & those that
do not want social justice can make an appeal to God to support their
fucked up agenda just as easily as you can make an appeal to God to your
agenda for social justice.
7. Righteousness flows into justice.
Not necessarily. A law may not be just. If you're talking about what is
just then righteousness & justice are synonyms. It's tautological to say
that righteousness flows from justice because justice means righteousness.
It's the other way around: From justice flows righteousness.
Pastor Frank
2004-12-27 18:24:00 UTC
On Sun, 26 Dec 2004 09:41:23 +0800, "Pastor Frank"
Not likely, because those empires did not look to "possess the
The heck they didn't! Egypt ruled most of Judea for decades. The
Babylonians posessed the land for the entire time of the Babylonian
captivity, and Alexander's heirs ruled Judea for quite a long time
after he conquered it. The Romans certainly "posessed the land",
making it part of their province of Syria for centuries.
As usual, you are totally off the mark here. There were no
Babylonians, nor Alexanders people, nor Romans moving to Israel
displacing the local population.
Oh yes there were! That's how you occupy a country.
They are not on record of depopulating countries by "killing all
that breatheth",
What's that got to do with it?
they were more interested in taxing the locals and
enslaving some for cheap labour.
And in the case of the Greeks, 'helenizing the population, which is
where the Sadducees came from.
So get your facts straight before
comparing them to the Isaelites below.
I wasn't comparing them to the Israelites. I was pointing out that the
invasions the Israelites suffered were due to geography, not God's
There is a big differnece invading a country and making the locals
Buddhists, Muslims or Christians, -forcibly in some instances on the one
hand, and "killing all that breatheth" to preserve racial and
purity on the other. A Difference you seem unwilling or unable to
A difference that is irrelevant to the issue of cause. Israel was
invaded repeatedly because of where it was located, not because God
was angry. And anyway, according to the Bible, it was God who ordered
those slaughters.
The rule is, that once such actions become accepted practice, it will
witnessed upon the perpetrators.
That rule exists only in your imagination, along with your vindictive
Bible God.
Jews exterminated the native population of
Israel for ideological and racial reasons and are proud of it.
Except of course, they really didn't. They just claimed they did, but
the archaeologists have found otherwise. There was no conquest of the
cities of the plain.
In turn they
became subject to ethnic cleansing for similar reasons throughout their
history. Hitler only being the latest and most concerted effort.
Hogwash! If Israel had been located off in a quiet corner somewhere
off the direct route to Egypt, nobody would have bother them.
As you sow, so shall you reap, is the rule and we Christians who post
our own Christian NGs believe that rule expresses the will of God.
And that's pure imagination on your part. History records otherwise.
That's the way it is in religious groups were people talk about their
beliefs and faith to the glory of their God.
You have been a contrarian atheist Troll in our religious NGs for years
and never yet professed any belief or faith in anything nor anyone. Why
don't you post your atheist clap-trap to atheist NGs, and let us post our
Christian material to our pristine Christian NGs? I will help you and post
you over to where your friends are.

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