Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"<trim>
4601 unread messages. Yawn, mark all read.
Proof positive that nobody from petitmorte can read.
Just so everyone knows, is that a troll post, Moppy?
Am I the only one who's noticed that Chicken Wrist is
starting to read a lot like Duhrek?
There seems to be some sort of devolution happening. Might
be organic or maybe ExtremeDumb is contagious.
I agree with the first suggestion. Duhrek and Roberta have
a lot in common these days. They are both owned by multiple
people who, in turn, they are obsessed with. They both spew
lots of terminally stupid nonsense. They are both obsessed
with the topic of sexuality (Wolfie doesn't get any, whereas
Asscreme wants a man, badly). Finally, they both follow
their owners/obsessees around like lost little puppies until
they're either spanked off of a thread or ignored for a few
This is actually a real shame: even though Duhrek has always
been a rather boring, repetitious dickhead, Roberta used to
be an incredibly entertaining (almost inventively wacky)
That's a compilation of most of the Mop Jockey's most kooky
quotes which I posted a while back. It's missing his
hilarious martial arts blather, but just about everything
else worth reading for brevity is there. The problem is
that Roberta is so scared to be himself anymore that he's
been reduced to Duhrek's bland "IKYABWAI, fag" tactics. It's
kind of sad.
I still have the Mop Jockey web site available at
Roberta still hasn't had it taken down for some reason.
Did I ever say I was going to "take it down"?
Need a reminder, MJ? Check the site.
You ought to have a google link.
MID's would work too, Retardo. Hop on it. Maek a website about it. Do
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"I have never had any website "taken down", have I?
Only in your deluded dreams, Bobbi. You whined to GeoCities
Eh? When did I "whine to GeoCities", Sherlock F0amz?
Ah! You claim you didn't?
Sure. But if I said I did, it was a lie. :) Have fun!
Lack of credibility noted, fuckstick.
Lack of understanding that it is a 2 way street noted, dillfuck.
Which lie have I told? You are a gender confused nutcase.
Someone who chases Edmo around 24/7 is not credible, FYI.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetVery well. There's still more fun to be had
beating you over the head with your own words, Mop Jockey.
Post by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetbut they fall
apart like a gender-confused Drama Queen with nothing to wear to
the Transvestite Ball.
So how was that event this year, Roberta?
Wouldn't know but I'm sure your mother stole the show.
Damn. What a devastating comeback.
Considering that there really doesn't need to be a comeback for the
typical faglame (or *any* *lame, fwiw), it seems I have performed
above and beyond the call of duty.
It wasn't a fag lame,
Quacked like one.
I'll yield to your expertise since you rilly know how to lame as if your
lack of a life depended on it.
Tell me more about my "lack of a life".
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetfreak. It was a subtle reminder that you're a
fucking freak, you fucking freak. HTH!
Post by man "automatic garage door"So when are you going to sue me for stalking your poasts, whiner?
Why would I bother? You haven't got a pot to squat and piss in, Roberta.
I have more than a "1 year lease". LOL
Planning on mooching off relatives for life, kook? How derivative.
I don't quite understand what you're getting at. I have been living
independent from any relatives since I was 18. That'll be a decade in a
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"alt.fuck.the.skull.of.jesus is a *local* hierarchy?
!! !! !! !! !!
I realize why you think being obtuse is a career path, Bobbi.
I don't understand how directing attention to the groups you
xpoasted your "stalked" message is obtuse.
That you don't understand very much is not surprising at this
point, freak.
I understand quite well that you are in denial of your ghoulish
stalking. So much so, that you project it on everybody else every
chance you get.
Most people would have some type of proof that they weren't
yammering on about Edmond Wollmann like a demented psycho for the
last 10 years.
Laughing at Edmo? That's less than 5 years, nutbar.
The volume of your madness appears to be 10 years of dementia
compressed into half the time, then.
Backpedal noted, fr00tcake.
I notice that you don't deny your dementia, be it 5 *or* 10 years.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetYou're so funny when you're melting down, Bobbi!
You're so "melty" when you are in denial of your ghoulish stalking.
KEYWORDS: "Melty Ghoulish Stalking"
Like I believe anything a delusional loon like you froths?
So why are you using lies to back up your opinions of me?
Get bent, Sissy.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Have fun sitting in front of your PC this weekend, dipshit.
Some dreams die hard, Chicken Wrist.
Specifically, your dreams to sit in front of your computer
making Teh Mop Jockey websites all weekend.
Not quite, Bobbi.
Ah, so I was mostly right.
No, you were right about 45 seconds of the weekend. The rest was
food, bevs and some housekeeping.
So does your housekeeping include patching up the bullet holes in
your apartment since you admittedly live in a shithole?
You got me confused with someone else?
OK, who don't you have me confused with, liar?
Weren't you on Thundercats back in the day?
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"I might suggest purchasing an actual house somewhere
instead of a crackhouse apt in the barrio, numbnutz. Whoops, sorry.
I guess you'd need to be able to *afford* something better first.
My bad.
It's a pity you really don't know what I do for a living, MJ.
My guess is Insurance Salesman.
That's one way of putting it.
I know.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetIt'd blow
all your pathetic delusions away.
I'm sure you've got the most amazing job anybody in the world could
ever concieve.
Your last guess wasn't blowing away any of my impressions of your sanity,
In what way?
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetBut I might do a little work on it this weekend, say
forwarding the passwords and such to work where I can work on it
during the week.
It doesn't take much to get you going, Roberta.
It doesn't take much for you to reveal your control issues.
It's not a control issue to watch you dance for all of us.
It's a control issue that you think you are watching *me* dance, k0ok.
It's funny I hace a lot of company that agrees with me versus you and
You know...
I don't believe I've had to enlist any help to make you k0okdr0olers freak
the fuck out. Tell us how big your army of lurkers is, dweeb.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"You must be pretty technically advanced if you still have to email
stuff, instead of say, running VNC, X11, or a ssh terminal. j00
aer so l33t hax0rboi.
Nah. I just keep the passwords on a computer not connected to a network.
So how do you "forward" the passwords there? Bike messenger?
No, I just go home and look them up.
But you said you *forwarded* them. Does this mean that you are a liar?
No, it simply means I put them on a diskette and took it with me.
That's some retarded use of the term "forward" you've got there, Cooj.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetThis isn't my computer and I'm not home, dipshit.
Then you'd better get back to woik!
I am at work, dipshit.
So, they pay you to obsess over Wollmann?
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetIt's about 1600 miles away from my home, st00pit.
That's a big accomplishment for you, I see.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"It sure seems like you are full of shit, starting with the claim
that you actually have a place where you "work".
Sure I am, Bobbi. That's why I'm not pushing a broom like you.
They wouldn't even let you have a broom, eh? I heard that you and
Lunch Lady J*** had to clean up the vomit sawdust with your bare hands
once because of that. Tough break.
Afraid to mention his name these days, Bobbi?
Looks like UPitt spanked your ass something serious!
Not if you ever noticed that I still use their usenet server whenever I feel
like it.
Pitt might have had a reason to get me in trouble if they didn't happen to
notice that Carl Wilson was faking complaint emails from his static IP.
That's what our director said when I pointed out that the IP in the emails
he was getting were the same as Carl's usenet posts, Carl's website, etc...
A good laugh was had by several people over the stupid antics of your
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door""But I might do a little work on it this weekend, say
forwarding the passwords and such to work where I can work on it
during the week."
That's right, stupid.
You are "right stupid".
I didn't want to confuse your high IQ with anything tough like the
concept of mailing the diskette to my hotel.
I wouldn't want to confuse you with the concept of having interests outside
documenting your hatred for certain people.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetAfter work I get a choice of going to a hotel or
going to a hotel until I fly home.
I didn't even know that the K0okaburra had a migration pattern.
I'm not surprised at the amount you don't know, Bobbi. Very few are.
You've used this lame about 9999 times now.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetBooks? You hace Volume II of the Wollkook?
...everybody knows that you'll be writing Vol I for the rest of your life.
Nah, just until he does the Ultimate Bobo.
So you admit to being obsessed with him? I'm sure you want to tell us
more about him...
I'll hand you this much, Roberta: you haven't made any claims about all
your college degrees yet.
Funny how it doesn't seem to matter to me?
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door""I have a few of MJ stalking me in local hierarchies to add this weekend."
Which takes about 45 seconds per post to add. For me to take all
weekend to do it you'd have to be even more obsessed than you are
now. Hop to it, fruitcake.
So did you get all of your "Teh Mop Jockey" homework done?
Nah. I figured I'd wait for the rest of your upcoming meltdown, freak.
Some dreams never die, I suppose.
and some just keep coming back with each one of your rants and foamage.
Some dreams never die, I suppose.
Stuck in a rut there, MJ?
You hope so, don't you. That's because some dreams never die.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Which just happens to contain your inflated bullshit claim that
someone following up to your xpoasted screed is "stalking you in
local hierarchies". Post something to your precious local
hierarchy without CCing it to 18 troll groups sometime.
I do! It doesn't stop you from crossposting
I only added 1 group. alt.fuck. Such xpoasts are 100% on topic
for alt.fuck. The readers of alt.fuck have spaeken.
Oh, yeah.... and I *didn't* xpoast the reply to any groups that you
didn't already. Check those headers again...
Request DENIED. I'll just wonder why you're into skullfucking Jesus
when you've also claimed you'll never live down having a penis,
Rilly? That's funny, then, isn't it?
Yeah, but like every other laugh you've ever managed to garner it's at
your expense, clown.
Yes. And you think this bothers me, because you assume it would bother you
in the same situation.
There's really little you can do with your spinny retorts that affects me
Just Thought I Should Mention it.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetSo why are you stalking me in a local hierarchy, Mop Monkey?
alt.fuck.the.skull.of.jesus is not a local hierarchy despite your
claims otherwise. I just responded to your post without trimming
the xposts. Why are you whining that people are stalking you? Are
you afraid to leave your house because of it?
I just wish words could convey just how much I worry about Mop
Jockeys, chicken wrist holds and gender confused loons like you.
Was that still english? I think that just might be sig material,
there, boi.
Get your parser out of Kookspeek mode and read it again, dumbfuck.
It still looks like the most hilarious sentence in the world. If I showed
it to 50 people, I bet 48 would think you were retarded.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"I will however, respond to any post of yours or anybody elses in
*any* hierarchy simply because when I do you whine about it a lot,
make a lot of websites about it, then whine about it some more. All
in all, I get to make you look like a fucking idiot for a small
investment in time.
One website I copied from someone else's work got you moaning for 6
months so far.
Nah. I just wanted to give the owner of the domain a good laugh.
How sweet.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetThat's a pretty good investment in terms of my entertainment at
your expense.
Too bad your expense was all that time you could have used to
rehabilitate your freakish stalking behavior.
Nice self-lame!
That's the Mop Jockey I know and laugh at!
That's the type of side-stepping you use to try to dodge accusations of your
freakish staking behavior.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"sn-us!sn-xit-06!sn-xit-11!!!atl-c
02 .u!!!!border
2. nn!!
!n ew!!!
uk !1!!easynet-melon!pookiehead.databasix
Re: Announce: Free Scam on Past Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel
Mon, 2 Aug 2004 22:50:18 +0000 (UTC)
Michael Bolton Must Die Inc.
Re: Announce: Free Scam on Past Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel
Wed, 13 Oct 2004 17:19:39 -0400
Jersey Attention Whores for Attention
To offset my adding a group you profess to *not* reading, I will
add a group that you *do* read. Please whine some more, Kev.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetit to other groups I don't
read. You seem to think I care about it, all I'm doing is keeping
you going on your way to your next meltdown.
It seems to be backfiring wonderfully for you, nutcase.
And hey, lookee... You didn't bother to correct 'Teh Mop Jockey'.
I didn't add *any* groups to that response. Same froups as your
above message, but you say *I* crossposted it to some group you
don't read. You only failed to "correct" me because it would have
brought more attention to your lies that I xpoasted my response to
your "stalked" message to any group besides the ones you already
poasted it in.
Dance, Bobbi!
<SNIFF!> I'm touched! I'm rilly, rilly, rilly touched I have my own
personal dancing fanboi again! Thanks a lot, Bobbi!
That's great.
Put it on your website, loser.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"I couldn't also help but
present at the same time the fact that you stalk Wollmann like a
scorn lover in just about any group he posts in.
Weren't you beating this drum a few years ago, Mop Jockey?
Nothing like repeating your failures to cement your reputatiuon
as a kook.
So you're saying that I've failed to connect you to any
uber-obsessive behavior revolving around Wollmann?
Results 1 - 10 of about 3,670 for cujo wollmann.
b= wg Results 1 - 10 of about 17,600 for cujo wollmann. (0.66
(If the reader isn't laughing right now, then I guarantee the
reader is a k0ok)
Or he can check my .sig file, St00pid.
I'm sorry. I was busy laughing at your self-aggrandizing sig file.
It's already been established that sarcasm and satire sail right over
your head but thanks for more confirmation, Bobbi.
You can be no further from the tooth!
I'll pass on your crude offer of a gum job, mutant.
Are you allowed to say that kind of stuff at work?
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"You even stalked him to
Amazon and tried to interfere with his book sales. You are a
hypocrite and you know it.
What book sales? If you paid attention, the sales on Amazon were
to people who wanted to see how this freak would fail again. They
weren't disappointed. Have you tried to read that piece of shit,
Well, let's see... Since I *don't* have the time to waste reading
about delusive astrology claptrap I'll never believe... Since I
can usually find something more entertaining and/or educational to
bide my time without paying a shipping charge... and finally since
I am not "Cujo" with a demented obsession to stalk Wollmann and
proofread his writings...
I never bought the book, idiot. I merely borrowed on of the 19+
copies he forced on the SD Public Library system. It was a good
laugh and cost nothing.
There is no possible way that there is anybody alive in more denial
than you, Cooj.
It's true and can be verified.
See... that's what I'm saying. Thanks for coming out of denial for a
microsecond. Keep up the good work.
Keep dancing for crumbs.
You don't even have crumbs...
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetSo far all I've seen out of you is an
admission that you're a liar and some world class kookery. check the
SD library system yourself and see how many copies Ed donated.
Why would I? I'm not obsessed with Ed. See how that works, nutcase?
I don't care if he donates his gallbladder to the SD public library.
I know it's hard for you to imagine a world where Edmo is just some
nobody you can ignore, where he's not a superstar, but do try to keep
Laughing at a delusional buffon is cheap entertainment. It's a pity
you're on the wrong end of that exchange.
I suspect you won't be laughing when you discover yourself at the wrong end
of some exchange, someday.
Funny you've never explained yet why you need to care about Wollmann's book,
Wollmann's car, Wollmann's skidmarks, etc... It seems as though you are
dodging that.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"I don't care *how* you acquired a book written by Edmo. It is as
plain as day that you are obsessed with Wollmann.
No, I was curious to see if it could be as bad as everyone claimed.
It's not, it's far worse. Pick up a copy and see for yourself,
freakboi. You're into some of that goofy shit like UFO's,
I see *you* are into believeing everything you read on usenet and the
web. (big surprise)
I believe you're a fucking liar, kook and fanboi.
It's mutual then, freakcake.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetit isn't much of a stretch to
check out Edmo's claims over Roswell.
I don't really care about anybody's claims about Roswell. Do you need
a cl00-X-4? Oh, wait. Why don't you tell me what I "believe" using
kwotes out of usenet, lameass. <release line slack>
Poor misunderstood Mop Jockey! I didn't realize you've been trolling all
these years!
Isn't that what 80% of your altar to Teh Mop Jockey proves?
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"I think you might be getting the picture, Kev... Well, probably
not the *whole* picture, as expected.
I don't want to see any pictures you might want so desperately to
provide, fr00tcake.
Then why did you hop over to my Livejournal?
WTF are you babbling about now?
So you never saw the comic, and laughed your ass off? Too bad for you.
I'll live, but thanks for your sympathy.
Must have been John Lewis checking in then.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetI have and I put an honest review on Amazon.
Where is your honest review for "How I Drew Attention to my Sick
Obsession With Wollmann with Offgroup Stalking and Other Loser
It's on Amazon? ISBN, pleace!
Post by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"But you'll prolly just say I'm being "obtuse" by sticking with a
subject matter and supporting my opinions. What's new?
I really don't give a fuck about your opinions, freak.
Shore ya don't.
OK, I care enough to laugh at them.
So where the fuck is the rest of the laughing gang? Did kook-watch
go bankrupt?
Ask them yourself.
No. You.
I did. They just got busy with things until you decided to start another
Drama Queen Crusade. I'm sure they will be along shortly.
Here... The *least* I can do is give Carl something to do:
From: "ok_sightings" <***>
Subject: More Facsit Pics Please!!!
Date: 1998/02/25
Message-ID: <01bd4198$ca682820$***@cetas>#1/1
Organization: All USENET --
More Facsit Pics Please!!
From: "ok_sightings" <***>
Subject: Oklahoma UFO Sighting
Date: 1997/02/12
Message-ID: <01bc1928$ee126360$***>#1/1
From: <***>
Subject: Re: ? any other FemDom or BDSM specific newsgroups out there ?
Date: 1998/07/11
Message-ID: <6o8arr$dq$***>#1/1
References: <***>
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
X-Complaints-To: ***
X-Trace: 900181691 7WB1LNZAC0239D131C
Organization: The World's Usenet --
There is alt.women.supremacy as well. That's all I know of.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetI wanted to double check - are there any other FemDom
newsgroups ??
and what are the top 10 BDSM related newsgroups ??
thanks in advance...
~~ Mistress Patricia of DominaOHIO - OHIO s.w.
From: "WC" <***>
Subject: Re: Quake 2 servers ?
Date: 1997/12/09
Message-ID: <66kusu$p1m$***>#1/1
References: <66kbk1$***>
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.71.1712.3
Organization: All USENET --
Posted and emailed.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetdoes anyone know of any quake 2 servers up and running on the internet ?
Pretty soon there should be a deluge of Google Cancels. I mean, I bet it's
just "someone else" from OK who likes to fake UFO images and is into freaky
sex. Sounds like the Carl *we* know.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetOh yeah, I forgot you think it's all a conspiracy!
I never thought that.
I thought that it was quite fun retaliating for the RL stalking that
Carl, Mike, and John did. It seems to have taught them some important
It sure got you spanked by Pitt, stalker.
Um... No it didn't. I'd like to see you try to prove anything to the
contrary, beyond your normal incessant yapping.
Looks like Pitt knows a K0ok complaint when they see one, dipshit. Pleace
to be haceing the fun of refluting mee!
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetYou are not only
entitled to have them, you are encouraged to put them in writing
so that all can laugh at you. Please continue to demonstrate your
Post by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"That boy done
larned hisself some o' dem flamin' skillz. <snicker>
Methinks he got a few choice quotes from some of his
playmates. He's almost up to BruBeast Flame Level.
Last time you said I was a level 9 Mage with plus 5 hit
points. Don't make me take my 2 sided die and go hoem.
I'd prefer you get professional help, stalkerboi.
You should maybe try channeling some of those misdirected
sentiments towards yourself sometime.
I actually know a few people who are qualified. None have
suggested I need help.
It's probably because they aren't ready for such a challenge.
Have you told them about your history of RL threats of violence
and fighting on usenet, yet?
Rilly? Message-ID please?
Are you saying you've never poasted any insanity about meeting
someone at a certain place to fight? I'd fight you, but you're too
pussy to challenge me.
There goes another Irony Meter! I'll pass on any of your challenges,
nutboi. You might try to beat me up with your purse.
I didn't challenge you, Daffy. Learn to read.
I didn't claim you had challenged me, Bobbi. I was simply telling you not
to waste your breath.
I wasn't going to challenge you. I already know it would be a waste of
breath. You are too pussy. Problem solved.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetYou're a bit out of their general area but I'm sure I could
get them to read the website of your own posts that I maintain
sporadically and see what a loon you are.
You might get some questions from them along the lines of "Why the
hell are you following astrology loons around and actually reading
what they write, much less spend *extra* time building websites?"
Answer: To watch kooks like you whine about it.
Boy. You got me there.
The only place I would like to have you is in a padded cell so that
you can only hurt yourself.
Sounds pretty weird, Cooj.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Nice recursive definition you got yourself.
Poking loons like you with virtual pointed sticks is entertainment.
Since you lack a sense of humor or much else having to do with sense,
I shan't waste time trying to explain it to you after so many have
That's a lie. You waste your time *all the time*.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetI'll let you know some of their thoughts when it happens, fool.
Sure Kev. You make sure I am the first to know when you contact
your shrink "friends" and show them your albums of "Teh Mop
Jockey" collectables. Let me know how they "verify" that *I* am
insane. <pat, pat>
Damn. Looks like I'll have to let the cat out of the bag. They've
already seen it.
That sure is convenient and all, but you really have no friends.
Stop down and find out. Wear your best dress and don't forget to
shave your chest, palms and the soles of your feet, mutant.
So I notice you have some weird fetish with women's clothing and
shaving. What's that all about?
do be sure to wipe yourself when you're done spewing this time.
So I assume this means you are spewing with every mention of that sort of
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetIt had them stifling laughter until they came to the part where all
those sockpuppets of Carl sicced me on you.
Did you show them the part where I ruined your gang's yahoo group by
releasing it's contents under GPL? I know you guys are always going
to be pissed about that. Not as pissed as Lewis got when I built
that one website, mind you.
I was annoyed? I must have missed that one. That's the one where you
downloaded every message from that group. Do look up the term "decoy".
Explain to me how you guys got a years worth of messages in there.
Wouldn't that have taken a year? Did you know that there isn't any
way to fake the dates on the messages stored in the Yahoo Group? This
means that you guys really were using it as an offgroup listserve.
Why you are ashamed to admit that, is beyond me.
I don't speak for the others, fuckchuck.
That's not what I've seen.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Thanks for admitting for everybody else that the "decoy" excuse is a
huge backpedal, tho.
I'm glad you think so.....
I'm pretty content with that knowledge, yes.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetPost by man "automatic garage door"Post by Cujo DeSockpuppetOne asked me if entrusting you with a mop was a safe thing.
"one"? These "people" share striking similarities to your fevered
imagination? Were they green with antennae and able to float around
the room? Did "they" refer to you as "Dum-Dum"?
I think for my next trick I'll get a woman to smack you around.
That'll get you frothing.
You better go get yourself a sense of humour before you go looking for
a woman, pinecone.
I certainly won't be looking for one in your house. I don't think I
really want to visualize you in one of your usual dresses.
There you go, SpewJo!
Hi Everybody But J***!